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The World Travel and Tourism Council welcomed the guidelines adopted for the safe restoration of global air aviation, developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICART) Crisis Management Team (ICART) has worked with governments, health experts and business owners in the industry to agree and publish comprehensive recommendations to develop a multi-level plan of measures to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission while traveling by air, including The measures are dome and post-take conditions, and guidelines for air travel in light of the Corona pandemic, in coordination with the World Health Organization.
The ICAO plan is a complement to the Safe Travels or Safe Travel protocols recently announced by the World Tourism Board, which are designed to drive the return of safe travel and enable tour operators, hotels, hospitality, travel companies, car rental, retailers, etc., to return to work again, and recognized the board that represents The global private sector for travel and tourism, with the guidance of the International Civil Aviation Organization because of the strictly regulated nature of the aviation sector in general and airlines in particular.
The Council acknowledged that it will stamp the Safe Travel to countries and destinations that adopt healthy return protocols and ICAO aviation departure guidelines and can be used, which has been developed through broad-based consultations by the International Civil Aviation Organization with countries and regional organizations, and with important advice from the organization Global health and major aviation industry groups including the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Airports Council (ACI World), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), and the International Coordinating Council of the Aerospace Industry Associations (ICCAIA).
Gloria Guevara, chairwoman of the World Tourism and Travel Council, said that safety and hygiene measures taken through the travel experience will be essential to rebuilding the confidence of travelers and restarting the travel and tourism sector, explaining that the leadership shown by the Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization Dr. Fang Lowe, Chairman of the Council The International Civil Aviation Organization Salvatore Sciachitano, in crisis management, gives the aviation sector the global approach it needs to reduce risk in the Corona pandemic.